Would just like to say thank you for creating such a great product. We need more natural products in the world!
Lucy Bee is the first skincare product I have actually stuck to and I'm nearly ready to order my next lot!
I think natural products are the only way forward. I'm not going to say that it's a magic wand and I will never get a spot again in my life because we are all human but my results have been incredible.
Would just like to say thank you for creating such a great product. We need more natural products in the world!
Lucy Bee is the first skincare product I have actually stuck to and I'm nearly ready to order my next lot!
I think natural products are the only way forward. I'm not going to say that it's a magic wand and I will never get a spot again in my life because we are all human but my results have been incredible.
For the first time since I was 13 my pores are clear I used to have huge blackheads on my nose which have now gone and the tiny little spots around the side of my face have reduced dramatically.
I have oily/combination skin and I did worry that the coconut oil would make this worse but its the total opposite my skin has now balanced out and feels fresh and my pores are now clear even after a sweaty workout!
Totally worth it and I would recommend it's also worth getting the full range to get the best results!
Thank you Lucy Bee 🐝❤️"
Thank you Lucy Bee 🐝❤️"