Contact Us
We’re here to help with any queries that you might have and you can contact us either by email, phone, online or social media.
Could we ask that if you need to know about our shipping charges and how to track your order, please check here in the first instance.
However, if you can’t find the answer that you’re looking for, please get in touch:
- Email us at
- Tel: +44 1992 747 900
- USA Tel: 001 321 2343171
- Chat online here by clicking on 'Chat' bottom left of your screen
We’re available during office hours Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm (GMT/BST). If you get in touch outside of these times, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can – if leaving a voicemail, remember to let us know a number to call you back on.
If you're unhappy with a product or your order, we will need the following so please have these to hand:
- images of the invoice (showing who has packed and checked your order)
- images of any damaged items, where appropriate
- images of the packaging
These will be helpful in order for us to deal with your query.
Company Address
Lucy Bee Limited
PO Box 214
SG14 2ZX
United Kingdom
Company Reg. No.7949199
VAT Reg. No.129357790