What tests have been carried out on the SPF 30 Face Serum?

As with all our products we take our certifications and the claims we make and the trust of our customers very seriously, and will always be transparent with the tests that we carry out. 

In regard to the recent Daily Mail article, we've been asked if our SPF offers the correct UVB protection stated.

Yes it Does.

Our SPF 30 Face Serum has had the follow tests carried out and has achieved the SPF value of 30.

The ISO 24444:2019 in vivo evaluation of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) which shows our sunscreen is an SPF 30.
UVA Protection Factor was carried out through the  ISO 24443:2012 in vitro test. To meet the UVA protection labelling requirements of ISO 24443:2012 the UVA-PF value must be at least ⅓ of the SPF value determined by the ISO 24444:2019 protocol. Ours achieved this and can carry the UVA Logo.
Here at Lucy Bee we always ensure that we create effective & natural ingredients

Shop our SPF here

SPF 30 UVA and UVB protection broad specturm
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